New flash available! Designed by Sailor Jerry, re-drawn and painted by micah r. o. litant. Prices vary, but high-fives are always free. Inquire within to get one of these tattoos today!
_witch city ink
978 744 9393
The Annual Salem Arts Festival is coming up again this year from June 3rd through the 5th. As part of the activities, our very own Natan will be featured as his tattooing is spotlighted, live, for the general public to come view, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, June 4th. A veritable open house of the tattoo shop, make sure to stop on by to check it out!
The SAF website proclaims, in regards to the event:
The Salem Arts Festival promotes the arts in downtown Salem with a festival for residents and visitors. This festival provides the arts community an opportunity to showcase their talents. The Festival will run June 3-5, 2011 in Salem at a variety of venues from juried exhibitions and demonstrations to live performances. It will appeal to the sophisticated art patron, the art lover, the art enthusiast, and the art novice, and will include interactive events for children. People of all ages and backgrounds will find something that will delight and educate them by reaching out to current art patrons, local students, and the community at large.
For more information, please visit their website at and stay tuned to our page for upcoming details on Natan's featured spot! Hope to see you there,
_witch city ink
186-3 Essex St.
Salem, MA 01970
978 744 9393
Oh man, I am so happy I didn't spill anything on this watercolor before I could finish. Let me tell you, I was REALLY close to spilling all KINDS of things on this painting, here's a list:
-jay ski (you gotta watch out or he'll sneak up and spill stuff on your paintings during holiday parties)
-different variety of sandwich
Yeah, it's extensive. Anyways, I did finish it, so here it is:
Not a great photo, but you get the idea. Anyways, have a great holiday! We still have free high fives all-day, every-day, so come on in and get one,
witch city ink
186-3 Essex St.
Salem, MA 01970
978 744 9393
All of us here from the shop will be featured in a Witch City Ink group art show for the month of November. Stop by our favorite local cafe, Front Street Coffeehouse, during the next month and check it out!
Witch City Ink Group Art Show
Front Street Coffeehouse
20 Front Street
Salem, MA 01970
Featuring all of your favorites from the shop, such as Natan Alexander, Molly McKinnon, Steve Gillespie, Matt Maguire, Jay Ski, and Micah R. O. Litant.
Yesterday, Natan Alexander gave a thorough and informative guided tour through the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston's “Under the Skin: Tattoos in Japanese Prints” exhibition. The show will remain open through January 2nd, 2011, so if you missed Natan's speech the other day, make sure to go and check out all the amazing artwork while you can!
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Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
“Under the Skin: Tattoos in Japanese Prints”
Showing through January 2nd, 2011
465 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA
Last Thursday, Natan was invited to participate in a discussion of Massachusetts tattooing at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) Boston. The forum coincided with the ICA's exhibit of the work of famed Mexican tattooist, Dr. Lakra and touched upon the history, legalization, and changing social climate of tattooing in Boston and it's outlying areas.
Lakra's work will be on display at the museum through September 6th and the audio files from Natan's discussion (On Pins and Needles: Tattooing in Massachusetts) are currently available for free download from the ICA's online canadian pharmacy”>website. Head on over to check out some selections from Dr. Lakra's exhibit, learn more about the show, and hear what Natan had to say about tattooing.
Thank you to the ICA and Dr. Lakra for inviting Natan, as well as the rest of his staff, to come down and participate in such a great event!
_witch city ink
For the month of January, all of the artists here from Witch City Ink are featured in a group art gallery show at Front Street Cafe here in Salem!
Throughout the winter months, we have all been tirelessly working away at a number of pieces ranging in medium from oil paintings on hand carved wood to watercolors on paper to work with glass and photography. We are now proud to present the second in a series of shows we will be maintaining at our favorite local coffee house, Front Street Cafe, right in the heart of town
So make sure stop on by, grab a cup of coffee, and check out the new art!
Witch City Ink Group Show
Front Street Cafe
20 Front Street
Salem, MA 01970
Witch City Ink
186-3 Essex Street
Salem, MA 01970