On Sunday, May 25th – that’s right, Memorial Day weekend – we’ll all be at Opus for Tattoo Night. What is this, you ask? MUSIC, drinks, best and worst tattoo contests, our art on the walls, Miss Boston Ink 2012, Sailor Jerry pin up girls, a fun photo booth, themed VIP bar upstairs, PRIZES, AND you get to hang out with your favorite tattoo artists.
Tattoo contest prizes: A morning after brunch package from Opus, Witch City Ink gift certificate, tickets to the Boston Tattoo Convention, and a basket of premium Sailor Jerry swag.
Door prize (you’re automatically entered with your ticket!): Witch City Ink t-shirt, Witch City Ink gift certificate, a pair of tickets to the Boston Tattoo Convention, Sailor Jerry swag, and an Around the World gift card (good for a free appetizers at all Serenitee restaurants).

Tickets are $20 in advance – $25 at the door, which will get you entrance to the entire event, a signature cocktail and passed hors d’oeuvres. You can also purchase them now at Opus, Witch City Ink, or by clicking this link.