A common occurrence in tattooing is taking a concept or image you have tattooed before and reinventing it for another customer who has come in with the same request.
Here is an example of a customer who was an executive chef who wished to express his love of his favorite food; pork. He came in with the idea that he wanted an image of a flying pig with the indicating butcher marks. I myself being a fan of animal tattoos, and pork we hit it off pretty well and came up with this finished product.

Flying Pig
Several months later a local Salem baker/ pork enthusiast came in looking to get a tattoo of a pig also with the indicating butcher marks. He wanted the style of the tattoo to look like it was done with a printing press. This style was achieved by drawing multiple series of lines vaguely indicating shadow.

Both of these tattoos were the same concept but the end results couldn’t have been more different. The chance of someone having the same tattoo idea as you is very strong if not inevitable. Luckily there is more then one way to do a tattoo.