Although the flu has been beating up everyone in the shop and several of our clients, Sharonn and Steve have been quite busy. (This is a good time to point out that if you're sick, please, please do not come get tattooed — we'll happily reschedule you!) Here are two pieces that Steve has started recently, and one from Sharonn that's a couple of sessions in.
First, hummingbirds and peonies that extend from a client's hip to shoulder blade. We can't wait to see this one colored!

Try not to think less of Steve for this next one. Don't worry, he is still 100% loyal to Boston. We promise.

Sharonn is in the midst of working on this archangel back piece on one of our favorite smartass clients (we say this in the most loving way). Less traditional than the usual archangel Michael imagery, the face was modeled after someone.. unexpected. We're not sure if we're allowed to give away the secret here, though.