New Work by Natan: Halloween Sleeve, Lotus Flowers, Waves.

Scope out some new projects that Natan Alexander has recently completed and give us a call in the shop today at 978 744 9393 if you would like to book some time for bold, colorful, or large custom work with Natan!

Halloween Sleeve

Halloween Sleeve

Natan just finished up this black 'n grey halloween-theme sleeve on our buddy John Zani right before the Boston Tattoo Convention. Lots of soft shading with some subtle warm and cool tones scattered throughout.

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Birds and lotus flower.

This full-color tattoo of abstracted birds with clouds and flames around a lotus flower was recently completed on our friend Mateo. Hailing all the way from Milan, Italy, Mateo comes up for the Boston Tattoo Convention each year and sticks around to hang out with us. On a recent trip over to Italy, Natan had outlined this piece on him, so while Mateo was back over in our neck of the woods, they sat down and finished up all of the color work.

Wave cover-up.

Wave cover-up.

An old winnie the pooh tattoo got covered by some bright finger-waves. Completely hidden!
